Introduction to the principle of solar power generation

The main principle of photovoltaic power generation is the photoelectric effect of semiconductors. When a photon shines on a metal, its energy can be absorbed by an electron in the metal. The energy absorbed by the electron is large enough to overcome the internal gravity of the metal to do work, escape from the metal surface, and become a photoelectron. Silicon atoms have 4 outer electrons. If you dope pure silicon with 5 outer electrons, such as phosphorus atoms, it becomes an N-type semiconductor; if pure silicon is doped with 3 outer electrons Atoms such as boron atoms form a P-type semiconductor. When the P-type and N-type are combined, the contact surface will form a potential difference and become a solar cell. When sunlight hits the P-N junction, holes move from the P pole area to the N pole area, and electrons move from the N pole area to the P pole area to form a current.

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which light causes a potential difference between different parts of a non-uniform semiconductor or a combination of semiconductor and metal. First, it is the process of converting photons (light waves) into electrons, and the conversion of photovoltaic stent light energy into electric energy; secondly, it is the process of forming voltage. After ingot casting, ingot breaking, slicing, and other procedures, polysilicon is made into silicon wafers to be processed. Doping and diffusing a small amount of boron, phosphorus, etc. on the silicon wafers form a PN junction. Then screen printing is used to print the finely prepared silver paste on the silicon wafer to make grid lines. After sintering, the back electrode is made at the same time, and a layer of anti-reflection coating is applied to the surface with grid lines. So far made. The battery slices are arranged and combined into a battery assembly to form a large circuit board. Generally, the aluminum frame is wrapped around the module, the front is covered with glass, and the electrode is installed on the back.

With battery components and other auxiliary equipment, a power generation system can be formed. In order to convert DC power into AC power, the solar bracket needs to install a currency converter. After power generation, it can be stored in batteries, or it can be fed into the public grid. In the cost of the power generation system, battery components account for about 50%, and current converters, installation fees, other auxiliary components, and other costs account for the other 50%. Solar energy is an inexhaustible renewable energy source for human beings. Compared with commonly used thermal power generation systems, the advantages of photovoltaic power generation are mainly reflected in safety and reliability, no noise, no pollution emissions, and environmental protection.